April 2024 News from CEA

Message from Anna Modzelewska, 2024 Commission Chair

Greetings on behalf of CEA. I consider myself very privileged to give you this news as 2024 Commission chair. 

CEA’s April Commission meeting was held in person in Alexandria, VA in CEA’s offices. The Commission accomplished its planned work for the April Commission meeting, including an annual orientation of the full Commission, an accreditation decision-making session, and planning for CEA’s 25th Anniversary year, in addition to committee meetings and the range of reports and updates that are delivered at every meeting.

Commission service entails several important responsibilities related to careful and consistent review of reports using the CEA Standards for English Language Programs as the basis for review, and fiduciary responsibilities related to governance of the agency as a non-profit organization. As a specialized accreditation agency, commissioners, volunteer peer reviewers, and staff come from the field and represent the broad range of types of programs and language institutions engaged in English language instruction, not only CEA-accredited sites. The success of CEA relies on participation of individuals who come from the field, and I would encourage all eligible individuals to consider service as a volunteer peer reviewer or as a member of the Commission. Peer reviewer applications are accepted on an ongoing basis, and the 2024 Call for Nominations to serve as a Commissioner has been posted (see below). Not only do both activities provide an opportunity to do valuable and challenging work with highly qualified and experienced colleagues, they also represent specific professional development opportunities in our field.

In 2024, we recognize the 25th Anniversary of the beginning of accreditation activities by CEA as a separate and independent agency, and are making plans to recognize the service, support, and contributions of the many individuals who have contributed to its success: the founders, professional organizations in the field, past and present volunteer peer reviewers and commissioners, self-study coordinators and contributors, and the Constituent Council. In addition to small receptions held at TESOL, NAFSA and EnglishUSA, CEA will be publishing information on the benefits of self-study, and there are plans to collect testimonials as part of the work of the newly-established Research and Expansion Committee. To be added to the mailing list for CEA’s 25th Anniversary, please sign up here.

We look forward to celebrating CEA’s 25th Anniversary with you.

Anna Modzelewska
2024 Commission Chair

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March 2024 News from CEA

2024 is CEA’s 25th anniversary of the beginning of accreditation activities. CEA will conduct 25th anniversary-related activities and celebrations throughout the year, so please stay tuned for further information. 

Call for Nominations
The Commission on English Language Program Accreditation (CEA) is currently seeking nominations for commissioners to serve from January 2025 through December 2027. Applications are due July 1, 2024, for three new Commissioners to serve three-year terms. Please see the Call for Nominations for requirements and application procedures.

Distance Education
CEA has formally added distance education within its scope of recognition with the U.S. Department of Education. As a result, we are seeking to identify trained reviewers with formal education and expertise in distance education as we continue to develop and refine procedures related to review of distance education delivery.   

CEA staff will deliver an in-person accreditation workshop prior to the TESOL International Conference and Expo in Tampa, Florida on March 19-20. There are two CEA-related presentations on the schedule for Friday, March 22, 2024: "Supporting Post-Secondary English Language Programs: Advocacy and Collaboration across Stakeholders," from 9:00-10:15 a.m. and "Change Management: Planning and Review in Postsecondary English Language Programs," from 3:00-3:45 p.m., both scheduled in Florida Ballroom Salon 5 at the Tampa Marriott Water Street.