Logo Guidelines of Use

Use of the “Accredited by” logo in any fashion is restricted to programs or institutions currently accredited by CEA. Use of the tagline logo with “Leading by Advancing Standards” is for exclusive use by CEA.

Use of the logo must ensure that it is made clear to prospective students which programs and/or instructional locations are accredited by CEA and which are not.

CEA periodically verifies use of its logo by accredited sites. Sites found to be using the logo improperly will be notified and will be expected to resolve the issue within 30 days.

Announcement of accreditation should be made through use of the accreditation statement which appears in each site’s letter of accreditation. Sites found to be using inaccurate statements regarding CEA accreditation will be notified and will be expected to resolve the issue within 30 days.

Constituent Council guidelines require sites to publicly post the CEA Standards, along with the document “Filing a Complaint Against an Accredited Site," available on the Complaints tab above.

Electronic posting of the specific CEA webpages is acceptable using the following urls:

CEA Standards: http://cea-accredit.org/about-cea/standards

CEA Complaint Policy: http://cea-accredit.org/about-cea/complaint

2025 Logo Guidelines of Use (PDF)

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