Standards Review Projects
The Standards Review Committee undertakes regular review of standards by focusing on a subset of standards areas in a three-year cycle. Dates of cyclical review of standards areas were established:
- 2022: Recruiting, Student Services, Facilities, Equipment and Supplies, Student Complaints
- 2023: Mission, Program Development, Planning and Review, Faculty, Administrative and Fiscal Capacity
- 2024: Curriculum, Length and Structure, Student Achievement and Glossary
This page provides information on special projects which result in updates to the language of the CEA Standards for English Language Programs and Institutions.
- In 2020-2021, the Standards Review Committee reviewed the standards document as a whole and conducted a public comment survey as part of the process. The process culminated in publication of the 2022 CEA Standards for English Language Programs and Institutions.
2021 SRC Public Comment Impact Statement
- In 2018, Mission, Faculty, Facilities Equipment and Supplies, and Student Complaints were reviewed. Changes proposed to the full Commission were adopted in December 2018 and were published as the 2019 CEA Standards. An excerpt of the standards which shows the changes in redline format is provided below.
2018 Standards Review Excerpt redline
- In 2017, Administrative and Fiscal Capacity, Program Development, Planning, and Review, Recruiting, and Student Services were reviewed. Changes proposed to the full Commission were adopted in December 2017 and were published as the 2018 CEA Standards. An excerpt of the standards which shows the changes in redline format is provided below.
2017 Standards Review Excerpt redline
- Throughout 2013 and 2014, the Standards Review Committee followed its established cycle and reviewed the following standards: Student Achievement, Length and Structure, Curriculum (2013) and Administrative and Fiscal Capacity, Program Developing, Planning, and Review, Recruiting, and Student Services (2014). Some general edits were approved by the Commission in December 2013, and an SRC Task Force was struck at that time for in-depth revision of four topics in the areas of Student Achievement, Length and Structure, Curriculum, as well as the Glossary and Appendix A. The SRC Task Force completed its work by June 2014, and the Commission ratified changes at the December 2014 meeting after public comment on the proposed revisions. Note that the intent of the current standards was not changed and the newly adopted changes represent improvements in clarity and editorial coherence throughout the document.
More information about the process of standards revision culminating in the 2015 CEA Standards for Language Programs and Institutions can be found in the following sources:
Standards Review Timeline 2013-2015
Standards Review Committee Public Comment Impact Statement
CEA Standards Revision Summary Presentation
2014 CEA Standards Redline Document
Topic Briefs: Proficiency vs. Achievement, Significant progress, Normal/satisfactory progress, Direct/indirect evidence
Accredited sites are subject to the standards in place at the time they attend an accreditation workshop, or the standards in place at the time they submit an Interim Report. CEA Staff will clarify which iteration of the standards are to be used by sites and by review teams.